Author: admin

Biodiversity Meadow

The aims of An Cluainín (The Little Meadow) Project are: To develop a meadow for native Irish flora and fauna which includes a pocket forest and water features on the grounds of Loreto College, Crumlin Road. In doing so we hope to encourage and increase the biodiversity within our school

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Our Library is reopening

Due to COVID restrictions, we had to close our library last year and turn it into a regular classroom.  However, thanks to the hard work of the Library Prefects, Ms. Taylor and Ms. Henry, our library is nearing readiness to return to use in September. We are also participating in

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Students hard at work on the Bridge 21 Programme.

Bridge 21 Awards

There was great excitement for the twelve Bridge to College Transition Year students at their online graduation. The students of this Trinity Access programme had reason to celebrate not one, but two well deserved awards. The ceremony marked the end of a very busy year for the girls who successfully

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Cookery Prize basket

Parents’ Cooking and Book Club

We have two great initiatives ongoing at the moment for any interested parents. You can find details below of our Cookbook & Family Meal Draw and our Online Book Club. Weekly Draw to Win a Cookbook and ingredients to make a Delicious Family Meal. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we haven’t

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Our College Awareness Week Noticeboard.

College Awareness Week 2020

This Week is College Awareness Week across Ireland.  Teachers’ qualifications and colleges they attended have been posted on classroom doors so that students can see the paths to employment that their teachers made. Students are encouraged to ask about courses or colleges they might be interested in. Mr. Lenehan has

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Be An Ally

Stand Up Week 2020

This week, Nov 16th-20th we will mark Stand up Awareness week to support our LGBTI+ students. The theme this year is ‘Come in so no one has to come out’. We are asking our school community to be an ally, not just to our LGBTI+ students but to all students.

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Emily O'Neill, Amy Richmond, Holly Gorman and Chloe Pingol holding the cheque for Down Syndrome Ireland.

6th Years raise €620 in Down Syndrome Awareness Event

Loreto College Crumlin Road has raised €620 for Down Syndrome Ireland in a fundraiser organised by our 6th Years. Holly Gorman, Deputy Head Girl, had placed raising awareness of Down Syndrome amongst the school as a high priority in her role as prefect. She teamed up with Head Girl Chloe

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TYs in the Driving Seat

On Monday, 2nd November, the Transition Year students got hands on experience of motoring. In advance of their 17th birthdays, the Irish School of Excellence came to Loreto College to do a full day’s driver education programme. The day involved the girls being educated in driver theory, and then taking

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Debating 2020-2021

COVID has meant that traditional ways of competing in school debating competitions, like much else has had to go online.  But thanks to the work of Ms. Ruth Murphy, it has kept going. Ifunanya Chukwuewuzie and Chloe Pingol in 6th year had trials for the Irish team in the world

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5th Year bronze GAISCE recipients


Yet again, the President’s Award, known as Gaisce is a major part of the year for senior students, especially those in transition year. Ms. O’Keefe last week met with the new participants who want to achieve their bronze Gaisce. The Gaisce President’s Award challenges young people to develop themselves in

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