By Laura Kane
To continue an annual tradition, Loreto College Crumlin participated in Stand Up Week 2021, which ran from the 15th-19th of November. This week began with the English teachers conducting a walking debate in their classes about the use of pronouns.

Midweek, we had the semi-finals of the Senior Speak-Out Competition which discussed homophobic bullying in school. All were welcome to watch this debate and the finals that took place on the Friday of Stand Up Week and was broadcast live on Microsoft TEAMS. Congratulations to Siofra Kildee Doolan, who won this competition.

The students and teachers were invited to wear a colour of the rainbow on Friday for a picture of the pride flag which was taken on the field beside Mary Ward. Also run this week was a poster competition for the juniors in the school, of which some of the entries can be seen below.