We have 62 new first year students in our school divided into three classes. They are 1 Alice, 1 Dorothy and 1 Eileen. The class groups are named after leading Irish contemporary artists Alice Maher, Dorothy Cross and Eileen Grey.
The girls have been a very welcome addition to our school community and have been getting involved in school life with enthusiasm.
The senior prefects met with them in small groups on October 9th and October 23rd as each first year got paired up with a ‘buddy’ who will mentor them throughout the year. Robyn Gleeson and Dania Filiah are the new first year representatives on the student council and Robyn did her part to try and encourage everyone to get out and exercise by organising kickabouts on the school pitch at lunchtimes.
23 First years have also been clocking up the kilometres on our Loreto Virtual Camino. Well done to Lauren Rogers, Nusayba Benyala, Hanan Omar, Hoda el Bakkouri, Dania Filaih, Rayaan Mohamed Hassan, Robyn Gleeson, Ava O’Neill, Stephanie Omozusi, Ewelina Paldyna, Orla Edel Doyle, Christina Flynn, Libby Murray, Cayleigh Walker, Tori McNally, Charlotte Ward, Kayra Tanrinian, Abi Fitzsimons, Abbie Lennon, Natalie Ossowska, Amy Sullivan, Brodie Cassidy and Amy Lea for showing such terrific school spirit.